On Monday October 24 Chris Frisby started work on JHM. Chris is a fully qualified shipwright www.cfrisbyboats.co.uk/about-chris who worked on the Freshspring Wheelhouse when at Butlers Boatyard in Truro.

Chris is now self-employed and based in his workshop at Kelhelland, where he has made a Bucks Ledge Lugger for Geoff Hocking, for whom he used to work selling ice creams. Chris will be working 3 days a week in
order to drive the project forwards, and his employment has been funded by a grant from the Bideford Bridge Trust, for which the Trust is very grateful.

Chris immediately started work with making a workbench using the worktops reclaimed from the refurbishment of the Bideford Arts Centre and the pallets purchased from the man who lives in the houseboat at the back of the old Leisure Centre.

Chris visited the Britannia Trust on his way home and met with Haydn (Samuels) and Andy, both highly experienced in boat restoration.
This week Chris has looked at the rubbing strake and removed a section, as he was concerned about rot, which has now be treated.